Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Coach Joe Newton

Joe Newton is everything I'm not. And that is good in every way for him.

You don't accidentally win 26 state titles.
He is the epitome of what a coach should be.

He delivered this brilliant speech at a coaches meeting at Nike headquarters in LA last week.
You better watch it. And if you have kids, make them watch it.
If they refuse, spank them. I hear that works.


  1. Wow! That was very inspiring without him trying to be inspiring.

    I see part 3. repeated twice in the list. Any chance you've the video for part 2?

  2. Part 2 is missing and Part 3 is duplicated.

    Here is Part 2:

  3. embed src="http://video.dyestat.com/dyestatapi2/mediaplayer.swf" flashvars="backcolor=#fe611e&config=http://video.dyestat.com/dyestatapi2/playerconfig.aspx?key=ADF4ACB0C3494F55" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" allowfullscreen="true" width="430" height="363"></embed

  4. whoopsie daisy. thanks. i will fix it.
