During marathon training, my diet consists primarily of beer, bagels, pancakes, Snickers bars, and bananas, which is mostly due to being poor, lazy, and not knowing how to cook. I don't recommend it for everyone.
I usually clean it up a bit two weeks before my goal race by cutting back on the beer and Snickers.
Then, the night before I will have 2-3 beers and spaghetti with a slice of whole wheat bread.
I've yet to crack 2:30.
James Carney says he eats whatever he wants, whenever he wants.
He ate two pizzas and some chocolate cake the night before running Rotterdam.
He ran 2:15.
Ryan Hall's usual night-before meal is pasta with olive oil, and a Cytomax protein shake.
He's run 2:06.
Diet is not everything for running, but it is a component. If you had a high performance sports car, you wouldn't pour gravel into the gas tank.
Everyone is different, and different things work for different people. Eating healthy is hard work, less delicious, and costs more than eating from the McDonalds dollar menu. However, it might not be a bad idea to look at what the guys/girls beating you to the finish line are doing and give some of that a try.
Read some nutrition tips from Ryan and Sarah Hall HERE(i'm just sayin', click it Carney)
Eating healthy is not that difficult and also good for the planet. Check out Mark Bittman's book "Food Matters, A Guide to Conscious Eating." I've never enjoyed eating delicious healthy meals more in my life. Book explains links among diet, health and the environment.