Thursday, February 18, 2010

Matt Fitzgerald, You Bastard

I was hoping for Adam Goucher to be the next guest on Pre's Mustache immensely popular "Q&A" feature, but he snubbed me. Then Matt Fitzgerald stepped up and delivered what I could not. And although that hurts me very much deep inside somewhere near to where a normal person would have a heart, the interview is pretty good. It's basically as good as mine would have been. There's an f-bomb and talk of giving people the middle finger. What more do you want from Adam Goucher?!??

And just to show there are no hard feelings, if Adam and Kara would like to go out sometime, Amy Hastings and I would be happy to join them for a double date.
You know how to reach me.

Anyway, read the interview here:

1 comment:

  1. Can't win them all. Better luck next time.
