NKOTB Sammy Wanjiru is continuing his quest to become recognized as the greatest marathoner of all time by slapping around current throne holder, Haile Gebrselassie in the press this weekend.
Wanjiru raced in the Kenya Police Cross Country Championships where he finished 39th. And while after finishing 39th might not be the best time to start trash talking the GOAT, Sammy did exactly that.
"He does not competing strong runners from Kenya like (Martin) Lel, Robert Cheruiyot and myself. Look at the Kenyans entered in the Dubai Marathon he ran yesterday (Friday)? They are not strong. He has done well on track and marathons and credit goes to him for being the great runner he is, but his time is up. It is the turn of young runners like myself to own the world record."
“Haile has really made the difference in marathon running. But he has reached the peak comparing his age and I do not think he is possible to run any faster,” said Wanjiru.
Hmm. Ok, that's kind of tame the way he said it, but I'm pretty sure what he means is, "He's too OLD. He can't run any faster. He's DONE. I'm 23. Gimme a break. I'll be in Berlin in Sept. to take the record from him and back to KENYA where it belongs. Your record is toast old man."
My impression from the article is Haile has had a contract with Berlin organizers where he basically picked the field. Which is kind of crazy. So now his contract is up, and now Sammy can collect his $250k appearance fee and show and go for the record. But does this mean Haile WON'T be running it? There is nowhere else to go for a record attempt.
I have a feeling Haile will forgo the Berlin record attempt(duck Wanjiru) and end up in NYC in November. He's stated his desire to run the NYC marathon before, and it was announced last week he will be running the NYC Half-marathon March 21st. Could end up being a bundle deal. It would really be a shame if the two of them never go head to head. It would be great for the sport, so it probably won't happen.
I give Wanjiru credit for trying to inject some life into the sport. Now, he needs to put up or shut up.